I'm Michelle Coppini, a military wife (to a stud of a man) with a big Italian heart for Jesus, family and friends. I just adore capturing authentic moments with my camera and pouring ideas on paper with my ballpoint pen.

People are my passion and photography just happens to be my medium. Boudoir and Connection Sessions are my specialty but the BEST part of my job is YOU: meeting you, learning your individual tastes, getting to know your remarkable personality and hearing any of your fears.

Glimpsing your heart over a good cup of coffee and then curating a journey specifically for you is what this is all about. You are the heart behind what I do. My sessions are as diverse as my clients but one goal always remains. To show you your worth so you believe you’re worth it. Your heart is a gem, your love is unique and your beauty is one of a kind. 

Let's set up a coffee date!

Hey friend, 

images by: Lindsey Roman

My ideal meal is under the open sky with the sound of laughter from family and friends, a small fire in the middle, a fabulous charcuterie board (goat cheese is a must) and a smooth glass of red wine. There may be some chocolate in there too.

(insert  Italian accent  here...)

I may be half coffee...

Nothing beats a perfect handled mug of coffee with just the right amount of creamer….ok well maybe a smooth glass of red wine comes close.

Crazy cat lady?
 Or crazy dog lady?

Dog or cat? What an awful question. Why should you have to choose?! (Great Dane & Maine Coon…I’m a crazy dog and cat lady all at once)

Secret addiction...

I’m a nerd at heart and love to live in the dream world of books. (A good fantasy novel, especially ones with strong female  characters, are usually the ones you’ll find me lost in). My favorite book is usually the one I'm currently reading. I love sharing my latest find on Instagram

Obsessed with...

Board games and fabulous quotes. Game nights are the best way to spend time with friends and I'm a sucker for a quality one liner. Don't believe me? Check out my Pinterest Board.

A few pieces of me 

that you should know...




The definition of "Remnant" is a remaining or a trace. This is a summary of what I love about photography and the driving “why” behind this business.

To capture authentic traces of people. A deep hearty laugh. Stunning, natural beauty that seeps out from inside. A real smile . Not the fake one you give when your mom asks you to "say cheese," but the deep smile that comes out when you are truly happy.

These remnants are beautiful and these are what my clients hunger for. Your life is a collection of events, seasons, experiences. What you have left over — the snippets of memories and tangible memorabilia …these are all pieces of your story. I offer a gentle request to enter these places and with my camera capture these unique pieces and create beautiful remnants.



"a remaining or a trace"